Base Café ; bye from Base Café



SAND HEALTH BAR     For a cup of coffee , Tea  or  Wine glass   ;  bye  from  Base  Café ;   

Lets meet at sand Health BAR ! 

 ( Contacts to sand Health )    

Mainos sand health - base Café.  

Osta sinäkin kaikki kuntoon upeasta base Café valikoimasta ! 

Lue valikoima ja tule kahville niin laitetaan kaikki kuntoon ! 

*lainan otto luotto tiedot ja muut lainan otto kunto plussaa ! Muuten keksitään jotain !   

Get perfect in practica dima , base Café ! Read and bye also secred tickets ! 

  • hiukset 
  • Hampaat 
  • Kengät 
  • Vaatteet 
  • Lääke kaappi 
  • Sisustus 
  • Mukava asunto 
  • Suola kylvyt tai sauna kotiin spa koti spa 
  • Ruoka valio 
  • Kiva lemmikki 
  • Ulko näkö blossom eco kosmetiikka ! 
  • Harrastus 
  • Egon hionta 
  • Kaverit kuntoon 
  • Kulissit kuntoon esim face book ( huom vain osa todellisuutta paljastettu muu yksityistä , ei vale kulissia ! ) 
  • Itse hoito ja kosmetiikka ja vitamiinit ym ! 
  • Rakkaus porno  seksi avio talon osto auto ym ! 
  • Työ konsultaatiot , mihin sovellut ! 
  • Amaxing looking you ! Photo ! Charmology video ! 
  • Scred plus secred mental tickets ! Bye mental tickets from the list !   
  • madnes investigations ! lets investigate why you freak out  ! like is it what ! 

Base Café : 

 1. only egofix no arrangements

do you want somebody to only fix yuo and do not at all come to your busines and area ? ofcourse its like ego fix but only the fix, we consult your ego together by 2 sessions and fix your life your self by 2000 e loan system. fix yuor self yuor relationships with others amd get yuor self allie yuor self and get your self respected and treated ok your self. get yuor job yuor self ! or bye from us later for job and more services.  

plus you get email of recommendation what to arrange to place in your life.
political situation allie or friend in life for a while for social acceptance
reputation and privacy

100 e h x 2 + 2000 e loan system to hand 


————————-  Harkitse myös kolmi taso suojan ego fix! 

Mainos … 

Plus ego fix plus ; osta myös kolmi  taso suoja - ego fixiin ! 

Ego fix plus ; Kolmi taso suoja  

1 pahoinvointi konsultti - kun tarvitsee hyvinvointi konsulttia 

2 perheen perhe itse ja suoja 

3 ostettu ego fix - egon alue - ei arkea   ( ego fix / kolmi taso suojan ego fix on ei arkea / ego fix ! Raaka ego fix !) 

( tai vain raaka ego fix / kolmi taso suojan raaka ego fix ) 

100 e h 



2. ego fix arrangements  

client will get to order time to ego fix consulting on the web or to visit the cafe. 2 to 3 hours 100 e h. client will be consulted who they are what they have done what happened shortly in line respect without put down, adukt level understood nationalistically humanistically. all else nodded too. ready investment loan system or normal ( we deside ) food stuuff phone etc. appartment arranged, contact info of other client for political situation for a bier support. free chatty too on adult level until self respect comes to memory self from normal treatment code. to feel whole again. choose looser unemployment acceptance as green sacrify. you are treatyed fair enough. yuo can lie but not recommended we wanna find some reality for yuo for yuor grand being. privacy control is your who know you get a letter you have private area and leave you alone soon you succee live a good life looking good life to you mental illnes normal in life for many normal people , you take care of it by your self by medication by your self care program. mentalm illnes is lackm of self and other succee and we cause tiny self and other succee in life. so maybe even healing is possible later.
i ego fix thinkl of you how you want me to if it seems to be reality in this communication of yuor self by sanity consciousnes level. so you bget a little bit your way in life to your self sinse i now take away the illusions they gamed on your self , i know even one think of you like you want to yo are free to live yuor life in reality like yuo want to like evrybody else too , yuo are ofcourse also free like evrybody i release from the evil game against yuor social life and economy succee.

+ plus one meeting with your new mini friend for political situ you will be edjucated how to behave without betray other for a while until you succee in life on your on in social life. you use this one other person as all then understand after your amazing relationship to other person by instinct from this one other well in the head relationship. other way all reject you , you need this for a while. you have some rights to treat this carelessly in this ego fix prog only if you say you want not this for real we fix you with other trash being for other. ...

300 e 3 h + 500 work + 2000 e loan system together cash 2000 e to hand loan system 2000e+500e+300e bill + corot

3 hour consulting
hazzle gazzle going around arranging housing hassle gassle shopping medicine
office work to post letters for client arranging housing together shopping hazzle gassle
about a week welcome to hazzle for yuo ! even social money after a friend for social money found we are not the friends for social money ! lots of attention right to hang in cafe a week !

recommendation continue to job counselling friend counselling and more !

3. mega ego fix, big ego to you !  includes a new family line , ego fix steps program

normal ego fix
economy plan
mariage service
family line consulting , how to start a family line
housing arrangements
brilliant agenda

4000 e

Ego FIX  unique 

We design ego fix To your needs. After interview with yuo.

100e interview + ego FIX 500e + things 3000e + loan from 5 thousend to 9 thousend all together about 15 thousend ! Loan system include high heals ! 

+ Include added Job counselling green Job counselling or some others services = plus two others services ! 


ego fix super ego !

is somehting happened are yuo appart and have super ego, its the children ego developpement as adults more adults than yuor adult on this outside non knów inside yuo are compered to them a super adult. come to have a chat how adult yuo are ! tell about yuor self we can fix yuor super ego. yes yuo are even bigger maybe !

100 e h  

obsession disorder consultings

did you get obsessed with somehitng or somebody? thats true you might not forgive in a way in you what happened. its not others busines but it can help somebody dont judge you at all, lets just arrange you somehting as fun as what you wanted and didnt get.

300 e h

fucked up service

are you fucked up, nned to go to a mental institution maybe. if you odnt talk how suicidal yuo are we dont put you anywhere . we do do this that we have couple of hours sit down and a chatty about you and your situation money and whats happened maybe if you wanna offer you tea and empathy and couple of meals and some wine and pie and maybe you feel better. you get a bill 100 e and thats all ! welcome ! two loans. welcome to have chat to be a client if you are accepted your moeny will be better and housinf friends and a job and your freedom and rights in society respects physical health and so on. you can get the loan system too big loan about 6000 e highest and inside that includes your total life fix.

100 e h  

how to treat others to lower class and to anybody who dont know

we tell you to line your emotions self ego everything in your self what it means is how to treat others and in family there is some vacation lazy minds and some issues that people go into vaca what comes to this rule but they know this rule !

100 e h

independence consultings , relationships

did yuo know that even independent people go to relationships and also those who llok for them in rather needyway. if yuo are those that dont wanna need anybody buy needs we can consult yuor needs together wihotu anybody to yuor life, take yuor right to change yur mind later ofcourse this might ofcourse cops yuo end up how ever this way with someone, can be used also to that,

100 e h 

Underpeission life mininruch life box ;

Under permission mini rich home couch & wine bottle homy wine home design ! With sanity and vanity all in in one ;    THIS CAN MAKE A GOOD LIFE IF INCLUDED ALSO MAIN TAIN YOUR BASE - services !  

100 e h  


Maintain your base - job counselling and money care 

100  e h  


Sanity and vanity plus all in one ! 

See sanity and vanity services at sanity and vanity page ! 

guided mental processes to nature that can handle some heart also exist inside self

some heart exist also inside self you need guided mental processes to if you wanna allow such thing in your self. many dont like love at all. so yuo need to your perosnality pack choose some type of personality and there si no other way. many personlaities cant stand any love exist in universe at all what so ever. so you need to it this and that nature. listen what and know there is no other way and yuo can ofcourse not to care about it what so ever in life what so ever at all. but if you wanna on ego tism level handle or stad any love exist in your self what so ever at all you need to know couple of things must be in place in your self what so ever at all. you maybe know what they are what so ever at all anyway. but we tell you what they are what so ever at all.
- compare yuor self to others
- line yuor self process yuor betternes and admit yuo dont know line yuor self
- try some betternes but dont anymore compare
- put your self to realistical frames
- choose to yor nature to allow love connection begin with yuor pet
- no illusions love leads yuo to hard work wash yuor pet !  

yes many think so yu might be on the way only and learn to do it to allow these love wibes in yuo is one spiritual practice if yuo like practising this love in yuo connection but these are insane thigns that torture peoples hearts ! could it be very natural nice thing to have moments in life that yuor heart dont mind or even grow bigger in feeling good about these momnets of this love. could anybody tune into this kindas thigns in life. did yuo know lucky can anytime grow their love and heart by music sex literature and other easy things. some grow their heart by hard work like physical hard work. some hate lucky people and prevent their carriers ion life and want them to grow their hearts through physical work. didi yuo know that they even are not more lucky anyway ! in the beginng. the physical work in life suites better men and females should begin easylu. did yuo know females ven die to giving birth still this day. females all deserve if imatured body spoiled to death by easy lucky love that grow the body. like sex music literature social life and stuff like that. but some total idiots are mentally retarded and ego on the way. so spritual cults force wrong people to ego away all through life !
amazing about love is only the fact if yo succee to find a friend in life you can live according to your self your life and people call it love life cos yor heart is not then away its part of yuor life too and so then yuo have a good life compared to some totally abused beaten up to psychotic horror by others. there is a chance in life to write poems by the river and understand after it feeling like an illusion to love and guide your self to your own life. or there is a chance that you write poems by the river and it being somehitng to do with somehitng to do with somehitng to you real and your hearts in it  !

100 e h

go towards whole of your self

are you a little piece hold on to some idiot superiority compare compare and cant believe you are better than somebody whole. you are idiot being. we advice you to go towards whole of your self in your self you dont choose such an idiot as yuor self judge more your self demand more of yuor self and desidee nice qualities for your grand being.

300 e h

+ are you female wanna have a baby, email us for number to doctor service near by!

got into trouble in life well dont take a wild side come to be helped cared respod and taken into good conditioned

what is it you might need some advice job counselling maybe friend service a good spank if you are naughty and private line teacher and how to respect a line medicines and some outer beautycare products !

where is real mother when yuo as adult need one ? well no where in most cases. did you know some italian famililine mothers gives spagetti even a son or daughten is unwell ! all through life ! we in sanity and health understand you need some spagetti !

100 e h

sanity ja health little mariages contracts 

so i promise to every sunday the rest of my life go to church with you. or i go to aerobic with you every tuesday. play ful mariages. with divorse constract ! 

100 e h

get sanity and health help for family and health and a family body

bye wel being consult fow to normally take care of your body ! its also importatnt if you not learned ! 


100 e h 

Self and others FIX 

We email to alla WHO know you If you want not to Be involved of want some change line you and Aldo Make some public control and arrange alla WHO know you want you wanna. Bye others services to get some new to yout Life. 

100 e h 

Personality charmology session. 

We video your petsonaöitu if you dont like it we make what you like ! Repeat until you are what you like ! Remember some like for example janis joplin not all like the same as charming ! Some hate it and like likeable and beautyful ! 

200 e h 

Mother fix 

Are you mother ? Are all OK but you ! Lets fix you ! 

From 3000 e consume loans  ! 100 e 

insane of no reality of who self is where self is , frames

we recommend reality of normal frames work to own your life on this planet wihotu lower frames get up. are you lost your self we see whats up now. you might not handle your sense of self from somehitng thats ok. somebody might affct you who is maybe famous and that self as self might be on this planet on ego level. its possible that in near by affects people. its a natural put down party somebody cant take fame and fortune. all can ofcourse if somebody connects with them in communication and they speak about that persons personal life and sense of self and frames. we just meet your social self and you handle it in your consciousnes to its place your self. we dont comew on that area do you think you are some outer self. people should never but mind their own busines unless some right of celebrities to demand self tseck. if you talk to somebody sure they notice who yuo are there and that outer self we can tell yuo this little part of yuo as part of yuor self from outside, dont worry !

100 e h

insane person inside dont know whats true nobody gets yuo

so in life we should grow with a nice companion to communicate of inner life too.not to go too far from others inside even. if devorse to stay as friends. failures in relationships are normal but fine people are seriously attacked by lower class. fine might go to fear and form so called snaky head. its terrible phenonenom that yuo find nobody who understand you. yuor inner life yuo should handle yuor self as not totally yuor social self. but shit happenes from lower class and services from highly wise females 6000 e an hour are needed for real. but they just are maybe evil ! so your eternal lonelynes was anyway real but you took it to your ego self from your self inside ! healing healthy habbits and rejecting wisdom helps when wisdom drives insane ! talk to more wise being than your self !

200 e h

intellectual frustration

we understand after the low level yuo might get in life we are not better maybe if you are very smart but we dont offer that level that has serious ego errors. we juggest no ego errors but some consult might have some errors what can we do sorry !  we can have from definition of communication something to talk only. we listen and come from confidence and admit your level if you have it , sorry if no understanding we should know it correctly that we dont know it. ...

100 e

eye on you

are you stupid ? do you not know are you beautyful ? we tell you are you beautyful. we tell your value for beautyful peopl

100 e

weird person consultation

are ok as you seem to be for outside as your expression personalitios and confess a little about your self ! you maybe are to others ok personality as yuo are . lets find out only serious psychiatric disorders are not fine as they are , did you know that all psychosis clients need this weird personality consulting if its just that people did think from weird personality that a person is insane. a professional sane hunt you from a perspective of are you sane as you are or sane friendly.

100 e h


Attention ! All insanitu these two ! Your self cant or somebody Else cant ! Unless its poisenings and The body things tragic of Life death and all thats reality ! These Are vanity problms dont Haven to Be ! 

Outer world ego error posibility analysis of outer world and ego error analysis small service society analysis outer world 

Bye outer world analysis very fast small history current what there IS Out there If you Haven ego error that Goes away ! 

100 e h  

Line / inner life / frames 

Can you not handle inner Life exist at all ! Dont Be scared we promise how grow line and live strongly others dont affect you on a way ! How to handle inner Life exist on self or others The frames ! 

100e h 


lost soul service

are you a lost soul ? have yuo been in yourn psychotic reality on other planets and all around ? do you find only people who find them self instead of your self. fine not maybe a dear we can find you just fine, come for a cafe we dont find our self ! no disorder pro level ! but lost soul needs 15 visits and steps in life to find normal reality and well being zone ! only if you want steps to well being in life after it you can trip again and bother wellbeing zone !

about 5000 e paketti 2 special hours and 18 services

1. lost soul consulting
2. found soul consulting
3. physical body care consulting
4. ego fix normal
5. friend consulting
6. weird person consulting you have become weird
7. free choice from services
8. looser service
9. level ad eimiting
10. potential admiting  
11. stop following phenonenom
12.too weak person consulting
13.sexual crime
14.insanity consulting
15. hermit helper
16. tips not to have skitso if a little bit
17. free choice
18. free choice
19. free choice
20. free choice

welcome later to also job counselling and mariage service recommendations !

stop following phenonenom

do you without brains follow around and do things in life that dont make any sense to you. you are a web abuser idiot follower phenonenom of other people if you dont take liofe to your own hands ! stop following around we make you a nice identity plan and life plan in communication for your self !

100 e h

ps. by the way +
short men consulting heals and a hat

short men are a huge problem because they are not so easy to make seriosuly amazing people but sorry you have to wear high heals and maybe some hat. its really true that sneakers can save you and joining liberal thinking is to you a great investment because you are not traditional person. you must try meat and gym dont be a vegan ! dont join beauty movement its somehitng cracy ! avoid beauty as your identity ! remember that in china and east there is only short men its normal there ! its a phenonenom spread from the east avoid east and china and japan ! there is nothing to consult in this unless yuo want

tips not to have skitsofrenia if some a little bit

skitso dont so much remember what they have done been into and who they are they are not so whole and safe and well. so the remedy is not rutine but safety. so its yuor home that helps you. and that yuo do to your self interesting only if its not destructive take such intersts and be a good boy or girl until safety body and yuo can take making money and fuck and all. many hearts cant take yet sex to childlike people so waite grow bigger body and be good person. study self care thats to you not destructive at all , mother your self by obly care love or respo.

100 e h  

service conselling to bye services from somewhere else

do yuo wanna know our trust worthy friend companies and their amazing services and get a loan to get really well. bye health foods by a consult advice yuo, get massage from great massage, go for a holiday spa, spoil yuor self to death , get a lona to get better. loans from 2000 e forfards and a service plan to your well being.

100 e h

+ loan system counselling

grand beign wanna be?

if you wanna be a grand being you have to be for your potential now ! and then again for the new potential and so on and work for it then you grow a grand beign ! its to grow your self ! we advice you. the  right eat this grand in people and claim grand being ! think about it there would be a granmama you are already cracy after a mother because a mother real one it does make sure your safety in life only even.

300 e 

friend councelling

your value in the market will be investigated and to you we will look for a suitable friend for what yuo want. this is after ego fix and job counselling. ego fix includes this political situation bier frined connection info ! but this is different. yuo need to your life somebody but not yet real mariage. so according to your type of person we look for your type to you even we know anybody can like you. we use same technique as for mariage but for a friend serche. you cant do this alone we knpow more about your value and we are professional dont be a sucker ! if you are already ok we give you tips to get anybody you want to your life that yuo meat around at work or bars or in car store. no gaming just normal honest life ! includes antibetray service !

100 e h 5 hours

job counselling

you will be councelled personally suitable job from your school and job experience your own self knowledge to suitable jobs and your potential plitics and yoiu will be concelled your maturity too about jobs if you want to do somehitng matured in society or just join the joyride and be like children in jobs. matured means you controll your own job your self its a company or partipication to something thats just your own ideas of work like starting a new health care station. will not ofcourse happen but you will be councelled anyway and if its sane yuo get green light support and guided forvards in your ideas.


green job counselling

we allown yuor unemployements in society consult your green job matured idea and support yuo do your job as unemplyed and bye our service and togehter we wish yuo make green money on your own later. if continue as unemployed we allow it also on a long run too. you need this after green friend service for political power. + bye a green job idea + 50 e ! if you have no ideas but interest to htis kinda wonderful life style ! bye a day design for green job work with us for the green day design! + 300 e 3h

depend totally who green you are ! what did you study ! we can turn anything green !

100 e h

green friend service for political power

we consult to you a green friend for political powers.

100 e h

does this resonate some small thing drive you crazy some one thing lets talk about it, thing or two or three-.

for example what is ego and do yuo have too big drives yuo crazy so we can talk about it ! they are ego errors yuo have gotten an ego error ! many have so many that they are on ego level 100 % cracy and go to somehitng outside . well others have self to fight to have some life so some insane think they have a rights over other peoples lifes its a ecocatastrof ! and egocatastrof times these crimes to human kinds !

100 e

are you a sticker spirit who bother people ?

extreme right would think you are an illusion and dont exist even and if they could they would come to shoot your body. but we in sanity and health think you should be made independet in life away from sticker spirit habbits to a real life. if you know you are just a sticker spirit come to us we make you independent ! its by empowering you away from this wrong mind that abuse somebody who is a whole human being. how is it dofferent to help a sticker spirit.? well you bother somebody on psychological level you keep victims ? so we totally make you psychologically independet and emotionally and also ofcourse normally independet too so you have to bye also ego fix its a must ! 5000 e

600 e  6 h ( + 5000 e )

whats reality

most desired consulting of sanity consulting is whats reality. we tell yuo if yuo have some things that yuo dont understand of trade with other village and to growth why this love causes whats reality.- for example only old is reality and then imagination. nothing else. this love dont grow you if its not reality. try to learn. all hate lovein vanity it takes this love to be in place in trade or its not reality. this is easy to intelligent level this life thats reality but not if some stupid being dont know whats reality.- anything can be reality with love if its reality . not reality of love cos thats illusion. just this reality and love is to some people hard to handle they are no good persons and evil and stupid and dont help people so no no love is then reality but stupid illusions swallow everybody ! some intelligent insist upon some illusion is there dont go to the area they know from there is some reality to mate with illusion to cos some reality and then love is not illusion but this is easy to only intelligent.

100 e h

life not worth it you are into suicide but you are not imatured illogical dumb and still small,
 big and life not worth it

well thats amazing you have connected us we will tell you all that ment somethign to you once you did not then care or protect it you maybe used somebody elses own so it run off so you got bored to using others. if you have anything on your own you serious level like what yuo have to the ned of the times of yours only also if you are into protecting what you have correctly this is the secred of life.

400 e h

Make love all night The experience !

Do you wanna with somebody ! We talk and see and understand and consult and there are Pro but you might want real ! We Look For real For you real deal ! Meet sanity and health Pro real sex withoit penetrationnpro sex all night Pro ! Lets consult WHO ! 

100 e h 1000e h 

mariage service

we consult your kinda of person and your intersts in what type suites yuo to mariage what are yuo into what types. if its realistical we take action. we put 10 advertizements of your self and the type you are looking for to internet services together we help you out then after you get mail back you choose dates yuor self and try your self this dating and we wish you succee to get mariaged. we make add that yuo look for real mariage as soon as possible. yuo need ofcourse somebody to do this with you its fun to reflect together laugh and think of these nice candidates together. alone you are too sad and god dpont help yuo out you need it to be very funny !

500 e 5 h

have what it takes in life dont get skitso consulting recommendations only

in imaturity phrase yuor relationships must mean well to others and stay in touch with also yuor self and its expression and leagal rights in life at the same time be nice and at the same time know yuor leagal rights to others mean well but knowyuor rights to others. use them in rather fair way create lots of safety dont play against others line yuor self get own room , if other dont survive its just food and shelter and well being that makes sure yuo grow into safety body. use sanity consultings if yuo are intellectual mentally retarded. consider mariage or real relationship, find yuor way in life through realistical realism understanding to study work and be fair enough, dont loose touch to emotions , share care affir be there and if evil world comes yor way to destroy youer happines take some good care agains and have realism , look for justice to society to your kinda people, loving other person makes sure yuo admit weaknes and can understand after and be as strong musculars as possible in life. have what it take sin life is muscular based activity other way get mariaged very fast , look for job, reject other ways than yuor parents want until you have a safety body then respo care love obli justice to yo , famile, saty well in life, watch out there are others too. avoid evil to others even up tp totally. avoid these terrible thigns in life. defend it to your self , yuo must find yuor kinda people or people who support yuo in this dangerous journey to stay in touch with your many parts like a heart emotions inteeligence egotismsm body care musculars , life is totally easy , but there is only physical desease and lower murderers on drugs that ruines innocent peoples lifea.

100 e h find out more good life good life

( how not to be stupid ever to your self !

actually the secred of never being stupid to your self is really truly the secred is aound this stupid to your self state analysis and standing it when it comes partly your self have to be in weeknes stupid to your self but its not total that its partly true that its most terribel to do to anybody come on this self are to be self criminal and to make stupid to your self and the secred of not to be is to stand this state even and try to stay around your self area non think thems e fl is stupid like that but if we are have to go outside the sefl area we think its totally stupid to our self but its not ofcourse total and this self and self and self is not into perspective this perspective sorry its when you are about experience about what you  dont htink is so stupid as your self then your social self and deeds are about in perspectives to what yoo know is real even it takes some dualog though in life these things with somebody thinkers need lots of dualog needs met but some dont get they get supressed tortutre murderes by others. its so huge difference nazi psyche and spiritually healed love capable huamn psyche, when a little grow this huamn know more and if stay in touch woth self can be a great deeds come to something fair enough sane enough nice enough in life to people in this trade and why not carriers charities exist too.....) ?

what is to your self interesting in life, we force them to be involved with also your self !

we are no hermits and associate with each others sometimes some dont from non associate with some people some adult must force some to associate with also that unit. its called turnign to the right and to betray too much with others you experience to your self intersting. you run your own life and others dont all the time try to abuse and put you down but normally associate with you too like with each others.

250 e h

dress up we give you experience of ice illuminaty we really think you are some object in owning class ! and smile !

bye a smile for you as you in owning class only if you succee to dress up ! we talk to even that unit ! become object disorder aware ! dont kill object disored its nice dont go from it insane ! get one real person to your life. did yuo know all adults maybe are these objects for real even to them self if they are total idiots !  fast 10 min

30 e 10 min

potential admiting

you will be councelled and together we admit some of your potential counceller might have illusion and maia its your lucky day she or he thinks you hasve some potential you dont even have ! but councelling really might make a mistake !


level admitiing

we admit totally your level in life as much as we understand from after collage world view your achievements your skills hobbies experience what ever we understand after or ofcourse all that is undertood also and more !

100 e h

too weak person consulting

in life yuo need to be strong person we reveal the secreds of strong people to you and yuo can then monkey the directions or thiink by your self the directions . what do not kill you s
tronger in life if your area is protected and yuo live and learn from your experiences and grow to your own understanding space wihtout line insults so yuo can keep always the goody of yuor new lesson this if got corrupted then what happenes in life might make yuo more week ofcourse. we dont always win even the strong people when nature and humans show their ugliest sides to others. all deserve this are protecting lifes to live and learn to their highest selfs and amazong beings.

1. eat meat and fish
2. work for muscles for a strong body ! 
3. line yuor self totally blame your self dont forget how ever at the same time reality of things affect you
4. take eternal lonelynes
5. commit to your own life running your own life
6. make a deal with somebody about understand after your commitments to your self
7. emotional side stay in touch with somebody also share some emotional journey with somebody about even consider their life too to not to be too self centered in life. we dont recommend it at all tot
al selfish in life you just abuse and look for parent.

150 e h

brilliance agenda

your brilliance will be admitted some betternes some of your skills and so on if all put you down we even know you if you are defeated in brilliance agenda ! get a big ego !


wanna be fucked up or know yuor self dont wanna succe in life

dont worry we dont help only to succee in life to have a job you can also live alternative life style its also to run your own life. you must not wanna be defeated who would wanna. so its still couple of things here you need to bye ego fix we fix your life and you stay there pleased without moving on to job counselling , you need political allie to defend living on social money. are you sure do you wanna do somehitng is what we dont so much understand about  you unless you wanna use some drugs sex and music that nice ! remember if you choose powerty life style in lazynes or your woundednes or untalentednes or lack of will engeneral you might have to fight for money eat from trash and learn some ways to in freedom of web to trade with other pour or beg from the rich money. you might be through to the streets and so on ! non respect yuo and yuo are a trash being. thats your choice ofcourse ! its a free world not a crime things like this !

100 e h + ego fix very much !

insanity consult

let your personality shine we dont judge you at all or put you down lets drink some alkohol you can be on stuff in cafe if they dont rhough you out you are fine. one meter dont talk too load ! dress what ever , get your weird personality rights met. thisi is attention service to your self to shine to somebody gove you attention !

100 e hour

sexual crime victims

you are styled to sexy and helped to have some sexal experience you want your self . sexual conselling what yo want ? includes visiting sex busines maybe.


addiction control money control consulting

do you have hard time not to bye alkohol and cigarretees and drugs and soonl. we block in bank your money use totally and you get acces to some restaurant everyday and yuo can pick from us non alkohol beers and health cigarrettes every week. enjoy such control. eat out and smoke and drink at home no nicotine or alkohol. this was a stup example we design a prog to your needs but its based on you have no acces to your money at all. we close your rights to your bank and you have no money to your self at all to anything. you eat out and drink non alkohol smoke non nicotine. your bills we also handle in the bank session. programs from month to 5 month.

60 e week + consulting 100 e h

self and other fix

how is your relationship to all other people in your life? yo feel better when we fix your self and others to you in life. its that if you have brains we talk abou these others in your life like mother father sister brother or ex or current and other friends and we talk about them for real and we make email to each perosn together from sanity an dhealth organisation not from your self , and they better understand your line needs in life and set you free and be what yo want them to be. if you have a repu we fix your repu too by some introduction of your self and force it to others too. then we arrange to you one mini friend too and we meet you in this fair enough mini level to your self , we are a ok level other person to you too. meet ok level to you in life and get a self and others fix and prtect your line be for your self and own your own life and if some bother you we cant sue them but we put to prison only from crimes.

400 e 4 hours

wanna be hermit anything but not a relationship to you, hermit helper

we consult mini friends and real mariages gladly and think you are not society capable if you dont wanna maried to anybody because somehting wrong with you! why you dont wanna commit to anybody ? fine you wanna be on your own do you wanna evolve to be good enough to some higher level ? do you dream of higher beings day and night ? are you mothers own little thing. what is it do you wanna marry a guitar ? wanna a dog ? workaholic? whats wrong with you are you insane-. lets talk are you pervert want chidren or animals ? do you wanna fuck around make love around survive as singel ? whats going on why are yuo so rotten fool ? wanna be free well are you sailor boy ? are you ready for a hermit we can be a hermit helper and help yuo respected we do and yuo do enough.

100 e h

for imaturity advices

do you know that you are somehow imatured. do you need some mental capcity to imatured. try to talk to somebody in a bar and then write down your thoughts about that person.- are on their area ? can you not understand them outside the situation ? are you too small consciousness for social life ?

100 e h

get clear of couple of basic things in life 1. being somehitng or much nothing to others

home is not a place to be nothing to others its a place where thats totally ok too. to go around to places to introduce your self is not a place to be nothing at all but to be somehitng in your self for yourself to ask if others bye some value from you or not. its trade times out there from your rather fair if yuo have some homies. dont play unfair is our calling. its up to you your somehting even but what if yuo feel like nothing to others can some people show mercy upon you is in a way true love- to family somehitng is that they benefit from you and they better just let it be what it happenes to be, and then out there is not family times go home crying how you were treated !

100 e h

are you embarrasing consulting

we in sanity andhealth know you might be totally embarrassing person to other people to even your kinda people so you might later on find it out and kill people or empower your self to serial killer. so lets see are you embarrassing to two other sanity consults meet you and see and talk about it. attention two consults ! we use embarrassing personeye inside and say for who you might not be so embarrassing from your level in that. remember all are to some people embarrassing people really high are made by gamers embarrassing by violence.

200 e

mental processes not to go insane
from society self others evils or worlds or money or betray or gurus or somehitng else than yor little hitngs and who is some big people of sex os bety of totally insane differents or object disorders or insanity come real or from people wanna live forever her by web skills or from psychics who suck psyches from people or from poisens in waters or from evil india or evil states or extreme rights or how beautyfuil somebody is and how somebody could kill for her and of anything we can talk about methods to stay sane in life no matter what is by knowing yuor self only a little more even and then try to think by your self and get the correct head here in life and its by a friend stay in yuor life about there stay and about care like some how and yo too and this normal no betray and underatand after yuo and is there when yuo need helps yoiu in life for real it might get dirty and the back to this is to bye othe rperosn professional then just to talk in life also help if this friend goes away for some reason....

300 e h

dont be naive consultings like are you stupid consultings

just remember you have a right to be stupid and we can tell what you have if you are stupid to hold on to in the way thats not this hated naive, dont be this hated naive , its ok to spread you emotional well being if you in dualogical intellectual dont show your self as naive if talk of somehitng real in this shared experience and you committed not to add in this shared experience to illusion and hates to people that dont deserve to hated or somehitng why would you know naive is just stupid that dont know whats real in dualog in them self all have this homy right to reality of feeling reality of terrible thigns is far away from homy land and feeling but naive if you go around to money dont survive and to many plcaes too stupid dont survive should be housed and rather well in the head person. to be evil to others that are not your allies and friends is a strong selfish state with people that you must associate with that are not a good idea. well to be evil to others that are your allies and friends is too much to take to people if they have no allies and freind but this kinda person , dont trust the wrong people in life close your self is not naive but if people fool you all survive if no serious game against them. dont play against others at all game for your self learn to play correctly, narsisitical disoprder must put to a prison from evil game to own sefl is too much ! to help people is this not naive in life to understand growth correctly and to handle self in situation for self is not to trust other but to have what it takes can be edjucated non play against some enemies but are for somehitng only in life , well we have a possibility to grow and avoid those who are not so good idea , naive loving is juts this baby and a baby female only all can even see is totally no love evil and naive and destroy soon everybody in state of no love. some love and naive already in interests to evil cos they have no love they loose from love too much they much be edjucated many must be edjucated not to ruine peoples lifes, if such spare a famile and health state to your mental health issue of destroyeing lifes to family and health might be the insanity of too naive loving people are not unvaluable if people understand after them edjucated that they are not for others ofcourse if thats such a important in life.

100 e h

physically ill life style box loan system service to cool physically ill life for a while hopefully !

menally ill can have sex party hard drink wine and smoke marihuana together ! they can live a great life even some mental illnes on marihuana and music even ! they can have social life and nice living like a rich if they have health. health is wealth. physically ill is only problem in the world ! extreme right would kill you ! you should not be with other sick also ! who healthy would be with you ? you need a room rent and there health stuff and many things to make you healthy. maybe you achive physical health ! we help you ,. maybe you one day are like a mentally ill level. then we help you forvards then you maybe achieve normal level. then you maybe become special too ! life is steps to happy nes to hide from evils !
you should avoid other sick and healthy dont maybe like you. some mentally ill might if one meter not to suffer if you have enough interesting self ! or normals special might benefit dont go there to be abused ! bye our physical health life style box and chatty chatty once a month one hour about your social life and life engeneral. yuo should just be careful with social life. you might have somehitng to trade lets talk about it. and avoid avoid the sick sick sick !

3000 e loan system ready investments loan system you might need also normal fix ego fix also fix outside things like  appartments

100e an hour

street living dont wanna anymore

if yuo live on streets sanity and healt can arrange yuo appartment social money one allie and diet consultings medicines talk about life style arrange some stuff to you and stop drug abuse and later on yuo can bye job consultings.
this is possible only if you have some brains and yuo want this and understand after it.

6000 e loan system  

irrational judgements from outside

nice consult is gona treat yuo with judging you from insanity


wanna live in total insanity in life

if you wanna live in total insanity in life thats totally ok and you can bye sanity control for total insane this way that we correct you and talk to you what have you insane again done. this is for using drugs and alkohol in life you can byue this sanity control for living in total insanity and wanna survive. but we listen and put some htings in place so yuo might choose sanity and being your self as a little bit insane and your self after sanity control for totally insane people.

100 e h

hobby counselling

are you bored in life ? do you wanna something to your life. how about decorating home, being more green, growing somehitng, reading books, joining some physical exercize. lets plan your identity life style and you totally !

300 e h

human race treatment error

do yuo suffer 100% human race treatment error. treatment error is normal even 90% of associating with others can be a treatment error from how their egosystem should respect the other ego karmic system in others but not often correctly some people its normal cos we are all unic being that dont command egotisms but all kinds of things in our self. we might feel like it or other might seem like an idiot. and so on. we dont wanna hear they are all we respect like some legends we should even up to worship like our mothers or something. se we need just one friend in this life or we get mentally ill from too much treatment error from human race. we are ofcourse for the right of this error and can treat yuo in consulting by trying different ways what would be this not an error from us and if its sane we do it.

huamn race treatment error is to disrespect someone who is no different from what that unit already respect around in that what that unit offer even as them self we dont offer no body all from our self to absolutely nobody even, its terrible line insult to say yuo dont know whats inside the line cos yuo dont already know whats inside the line of so many ! to have somehitng inside is not even uncommon even those huamn race treatment error already treat ok.

100 e h

intuitio flow attention

are you female and insane do you wanna be your self , we dont think its anything to be medicated or taken as insane your intuitio flow even. let your interesting insanity come out as it is dont be supressed lets not think after what is anything like that in anybody !

100e h

untolerable self

some mental processes to stupid women and some advice beauty care style and some better self some better habbits be a better version of your sefl thrpough style activity and wiser thoughts. books etc. healthy diet etc.


religious crises world view collapse consultings

have you been too stupid not listened in school there is more to life than your little world, are you a village little person, you should know you line in safety your world view only if you are faithful to your self as little goodnes shine betray line you are totally dont belong to this even. we are different we consult your world view and help your world view to you to avoid this chrises in you. you dont have to become christed at all in life you can ofcourse keep your self , we are against if somebody idiot wanted you to join some world view other than yuor own.

100 e

anti betray did all betray do all ofcourse betray your growth to larger being ?

we know this so we can continue the chatty if you wanna chatty from something.

100 e h

socially uncapable totally full of them self dont consider others correctly

shit heads needs to be consulted whats going on do they abuse beings and do they need to friendly others like them whats going on do they wanna be better socially are they not know them self did other desidee from looks how this unit is some shit head is there proof of bad nature sinse childhood ?

100e h

what is love get somebody love yuo for real in life

well many dont but have a wound of some body love them because its after yuo achive adult that yuo can love somebody and then get bored and do what yuo wanna by this nice love that is not anytihng to yuo even at all anymore like it sometimes was cos yo did not have a safety body. to get a safety body love somebody for real for a while until life is safe and nice and yo have all yuo want in life. love means yuo only experience what yuo want in life. its nice too not only realism. add some love to realism that others experience what they want in life own their lifes and like what they experience and spread nice things sell nice things in life. yo want this apssion sex and realn love until yuo have a safety body then yuo desidee are yuo good or bad , good help people and bad just enjoy what they like in life them self they dont serve god at all !

100 e h

totally insane

if you are totally insane and know it for any conversation with others we can try some consulting if you wanna come more sane. drugs sex and others can make totally insane. do you wanna be medicated ? do you want to mental hospital or prison ? do you survive then non is gona put you anywhere if you survive and have money you can be as insane you want if yuo have money. sometimes insane are left alone without money to live on streets as totally insane. self care step by step program you recover to sanity control client level. and can move on to happy land even up to being well and free in life and capable to sane and insane- lets try !

100e hour

how to form individualisation

make sure you seperate from others in life line your self and are independent and run your own life and make nice karma and are respo of your actions and think with your own brains and take a control of your life make money get maried and make decissions how you wanna live your own life and think again with your own brains and form opinions on your own and take rejection and find at least one to know you and settle and take rejection and bettle verbally for your self and wanna live a great life and line your ego emotions heart a soul and take respo of your own hell and know your rights in society are totally that all obay the law 100% are your rights or you have a right to shoot even psyciatry if they dont obay the law and  try to kill you or if doctor is extreme right you have a right to kill the doctor trying to kill you  ! and you are respo of your own eternal life and hell ! find one allie for your amazing self and life ! did you know you have a right to kill who dont obay the law ! individu means you dare not to agree with others but you are leagal politically. if you agree but are illeagal you are not individu.

100 e h

rise female value consultings we rise yuor value as a female

we consult yuor value as a female are yuo stupid wise and what are yuo and what yuo have and make a plan to guide what yo bye into to be better female. we dont help to evil at all or insult your line , but these anybody can do, read books, get more smart, eat mor ehealthy. get fits, eat meat, know something about self by consult tell yuo more what already there, stylist put you to what yuo want even practical or bety or normal or adult or non style or fashion. make ups self care bathys loan system to spil yuo to self care yuor gifts to know by yuor self are yo good at what this or that, as much as yuo wanna consciousle or yuor blocks and wisodm to yor self allow it to be , we dont know everything about yoy but dear compolicated might know everything of simple people and swallow them totally into them self in a way.

100 e 

psychopathy care

are yuo feeling psycho from life death people get a perspective to life death and to people yes good dies evil survives yes why not normal get real only beautyful get happynes get real why dont you get a perspective to reality you would maybe isolate all or then from there after trauma heals do a little nice deed to somebody for your own interests against reality and its cruality to have something for your self too , cos if you just disorder your self in passion enybody will disorder themself from you in passion , there is this normal carpets for you too.

100 e h

+ how expensive is yor life in money how about many others get real lets make thi shuamn value higher !

living with parents or families consulting

if you gte mental disoreder or skitsofrenia some grannys or familes undestand yuo dont wanna live in institution. we recommend new family with other skitsofrenic by renting working or social money as a new family pets or children. but if you have a chance to live in some big property we can consult of it with you and the family. remember we arrange your new family line with other skitsofrenic too bye ego fix and ask that kinda of ego fix include a new family line.

200 e h

what can i do for yuo  and maybe if its sane consultings

so let us know what yuo need and yuo get answer is it a deal and yuo get offer in cash and we meet and then get to the point.

100-1000 e

granmama tell you everything

do you wanna be like an old person already as young. do you wanna know what the old know about life ? well bye granmama tell you everything service. sorry very mild experience in this granmama nothing much at all,. you might find a really experienced grandmama too somewhere else !

250 e h

political you

do  you not know your self piolitically we councell what you are. its your political situation know what you are in that. have you even formed it your self to control your faith and situation or are you just flexible in that way some are not flexible at all ! to know this is just good in your life many want a job that go together with this in them but some take jobs and that affects their political situation !


how to start a family line ?

after ego fix and job consulting brilliant agenda and friend consulting in place in yuo if yuo dont know how yuo and your friend starta family line we will help yuo out ! so its all about after first step will to start a family line and one friend to it after it you can bye this service. commitment will also a must ! found a friend wanna start a family line with that person ?
1. will to commitment to family line
2. level to please somebody enough they dont want away
3. still interest to trade with others causes job life and to bye stuff
4. total isolation means farming living on your own no trade no desiree outside

100 e

cant see myself who i am

wee councell who you are to others dont loose touch to your self. you have a right to be like that ofcourse.. what ever.


hearing voices

no wonder suicide whats left of you ? take care of your body health eat meat whats going on whats possible.


after prison

welcome back to life of freedom. bye friend councelling and job counselling here we can a little sanity control your nervous.


avoiding all we in life

in relationship do you suffer that people call yuo two like two berries and we people. do yuo suffer that yuo feel like we this and that. because some likle it mentally like a holiday dont have to be for yuor self feeling the we is yuo for yuo dont have to anything in this resting in we. belonging to some mass is to people nice if they feel belongingnes and still have enough sense of seperated self dont drown to the ,mass. so mass protect and love yuo and prevent you get lost to hell but how to handle these we things in life ?

100 e h

religios people come to your life and you need help

we totally understand are stand against chirsted and dont forgive this behaviour at all and totally can help you that they dont destroy your soul. your soul belong to you not jesus or some guru. so you need somehitng so we talk about sane solutions against christed ! we totally inderstand you that yuo are maybe totally already christed they are the sinner christed also !

100 e

value protector for women

did your sister not understand yuo ? is she high in value and yuo in some prison ? do you understand all young ladies need value protectors ? that evils and envy dont eat them alive. mariage is a must it protects your value in life men really understand after mothering abilities at least rest is yuor privacy ! then they know yuo and value yuo from your self too. you have to plan some front value to show us and if we accept it yuo can bye us every month and yes thats valuable front !

100 e h we recommend once a month until you find a real value protector 100 e h  

psychosis service dont go to mental hospital

if you get a psychosis and dont wanna go to hospital if you want directions at home we can have a chatty. so yes take good care of your body drink milk and honey meat hamburgers take meds little amounts we give you little loan if you have no mobey only lets eat and talk, yes its true to you, wanna share it? in hospital there is food rest and violent meds and other ill people , you can ofcourse try to get in we can help you if you want to, what ever inside its to you true means its yuor things to handle your self its not any madnes and bullshit totally some of it you dont know your self how its true to you, its maybe symbolic thinking mess, and these things can get clear to your head later on, wish yuo dont loose your inner life , there is nothing as terrible as evil people who cause this purposfully to your inner well being , there is nothing as valuable as inner well being its your sacred self that somebody might destroy purposfully or in madnes, we stay sane for your sake if nothing is left, we are not unaware that there are also totally empty people, they wanna make you them, nothing as terrible as this hate to makle inner life pour ! wish you can keep some inner life to your self ! we are aware it matter as much as all think they have a right to take from you 20 million dollars all in insanity dont know why they cant take from you 20 million dollars but us ! we care of money and valuable ! they are eating you alive we put your protection on its to put outside well by a loan system very fast then you eat your self back from these evils by itself !


how to fight devil inside and outside

we consult how you dont choose devil as yuor self or serve devil at all. its by as yuor goal to get real feiend and mariage for real then you have beaten devil. dont compare yuor part might be impossible to beat the devil so yuo ight need some help. if you already want to mariage yuo have battled devil just fine ! but remember after it yuo need more devil fight too , then comes how to own your own life even more. devil owns peoples lifes until you your self by you
r self or helped beat devil. then you own your own life to your self fully. dont serve devil ! if you are safe and well and yuo can care about somehitng and feel guilt that yuo dont if yuo can care we recommend two hours a week that yuo take a little respo of that persons loosing to devil to be a higher being for couple of hours then its history they might higher you dont know !

300 e h

good and bad sanity consulting session

do you not know good and bad are you a lower being not know these and understand after thse in life. we consult you to understand after good and bad it means ypou live your life lined and in undertsanding of good and bad in life if you did not learn this in childhood you need maybe also learn why includes here because if you learn why then you understand good and bad if you dont command hoog and bad you dont know what they are or you misunderstand this that why you might totally misunderstand this that why.
good is dont kill and line your self mind your own busines live in selfish hearts and consider others dont not look for somebody fair enough to your life and stay well self and others bad is to sabotashe put down and destroy others for your self too in many ways you get murdered too and spirit gets angry and find you one day and there are other ways to growth and destroction is not belong to spiritual reality only physical but htere are creation errors from faulted beings live in no fault anyway for your self. if the sabotashe you academic level try to get helo arrange mini help to the society mini helo dont come on your area of self respo but return your right and fight and reality of existing from self respo easily wihtout any complication. IS

100 e h

drinking problem

you must give all your money to money control you get 5 biers a day


smoking problem councelling

you need maybe sexual happynes. it comes after you smoke only 5 cigarrettes a day through money use control. we do same sexual crime make you sexy from something else than cigarettes and investigate what experience yuo want sexually.


physical health councelling

we talk about your diet exerzice and health  issues and medicines. we do also brains back program if you are insane brain by diet and medicines.


what can we do for you

what can we do for you 100 to 1000 e if its rather sane then maybe negotion

100 to 1000e

you are not from anythingr insane
you are taken seriously in consulting session our cafe for one hour from absolutely everything you say !

100e h  

suicidal self

philosophical logig about your life and life and what you might like in the future


dead friend

after your friend is dead you get just like it we consult you and then you leave it behind and we consult you a new social life when you wanna. you have to use a consult until you want a social life. yuo cant be alone in life !
tea and empathy times !

100e 5 to 10 times

evil will wanting to wound and murder and abuse and so on

small ethical service of do you get yuor self anything if you are any better. you have to avoid illusion maia and goodness shine. you are like that ! counselling do you get anything from not being like that .

500 e

sensitive person consulting

sorry you are too sensitive person. you need higher treatment than others. you need more attention more care more protection and more safety. yuo like it in your house and run easy back to your house when things get unsensitive. you like it in piano concert with kids with music with pets with nice people you see no sense in fush and fight. you like maybe reading logic and poems. you better be 100 % civilised then its ok ! so i treat you super well in consulting according to a format yuor heart might not accept it we cant totally this kind of things arrange its the sensitivity of you heart that you stay awake for your self. you better have strong relationship to your self. sensivity as an adult or child prtects you from danger and is because yuo had maybe totally good childhood without trauma. or you related on to this because of artistical identification that is not a sin even or your lunatic but your survival idea even that many spread even to take on these gifts to enjoy in life you got these in chioldhood or took them later. did you know this is higher than humanism this is this love protector planetarily.

100 e
bye high treatment for sensitive person even you are not
300 e

partner betrays consulting

do you wanna also betray, stand it or divorse. we help in all 3. we recommend divorse the idiot. you get friend councelling to loyal level. and if that unit betrays you come back we look again. its just life we can try also better your level to your self if thats what it is. get wiser more talented ....

400 e 4 hours

will to be mixed up in life stopping consulting

using stuff ok you need a4 to command you to other activitetes if you wanna stop. come to talk about what you might wanna to your self in life for example better fit . we design yuo a rotten life style that dont kill you ! if you want be on the edge of risk thats ok !

100 e h

did somehting bad happened do you wanna talk about it ?

when we get a mental disorder some know whats happened and they are torture psychopathy murdered at home supressed and devil takes parts of them self away. if you just talk about what happened if you remember you get integrated back and move on your happy way !

100 e h

  how do you like your life lets have a cliering converstion are you on the mercy of sexual desiree so fuck them !

well its time that yuo understand after how you want your life to be and think about it. are you content what yuo want more into it how yuo have them lets make steps to heaven and lets admit the insane fantasies too. sex has non to do with this at all but only this that we have we human idiots cretaed sexual hierarche to you to enjoy your desirees. so they have non to do with non other than that some didi this to us ! cos they are attention idiots ! lower class dont understand nothing else than sexual desiree. so how about you ? we put it on private area and forget about it even many only think about it ! so the criminals ! yuo might be them or the others so lets talk about it too !

100 e 

saving your soul

these services help yuo to nice situation in life where yuo can save yuor soul yuor self. soul is a home that grow from yuor heart to protect your body its emoptional dimensional space somewhere else than in this reality. its real energy people dont care about it. its yuor real heart felt truth abput your real emotional landscape from yuor real selfs pains and sorrows in life. its most precious and wonderful wonderland even to your self. your real connection to real people for real in this experience that they for real dont missuse you its your connectednes phenonenom. only jesus loves and god can save your soul you need 3 friends for real loyal relationship for easy soul salvation path in life. all deserve this easy souls salvation. soul to become too sensitive must be treated particularry to make it strong body and a strong soul its through torturing your self in particular way as totally understood in practical reality by others. dont do it on your own because the connectednes phenonenom must be arranged.  tsek out also become strong person for weak.

300 e

sanity control

are in a need of sane communication every week in a cafe . for totally retarded its just prctical thigns with your friend living in some appartment and defend taking social money until you get job counselling. we dont do this uncrazyfully we protect your amazing self !

100e h alone or in couple

or then talk about your illogicalities in a cafe we together think logical thoughts.

100 e h

what is a line consulting

consult talk to some idiot and by example teach a little things of whats going on between social activities between people. you get a4 whats a line and then we teach you somehitng-.

100 e

after services consulting new ego fix cut your connection to unwellbeing as your self !

you are now better you have appartments job friend yo have bought some developpements to your self. its time to see with new eyes who you are and whole yuor new identity together. we disconnect you totally from unwellbeing so that yuor self is not that anymore but that yuo can choose good or bad wellbeing identity too. do you choose to be evil to unwell being or just nice to them !

300 e h

+ sanity control after fixed to condition by sanity an dhealth cafe
half an hour sanity control voulentaired of everyday life come with a friend or two 18 e half an hour normal chatty about life going ok , shallow but you can mention personal things too , practical things how the life style is going on is it ok are you content happy would you like forwards in life help from us , or are you planning somehitg, have you traveled what fascionatin things you have done , what drinks you bought whats up whats nice whats top how are you two and so on.

18 e half an hour 


do you envy people. come to talk about it and we arrange you even better. leave people alone. if you cant have it we talk what could it be to your undertsnading for real you cant have to avoid your illusions. trust us we succee 100 %! dont murder dont torture dont abuse ! try it to your self or settle what you have ! there is its sides in every thign to have ! to be trong or week or rich or pour inside. heavy or light . only thing is physical desease the enemy of human. in that condition you deserve our physical desease program. then all are what yuo envy ! false, real ? false is ofcourse free all the time, real is so heavy burden non want it at all, but if have its like owning old cars, taxes, you have to wash them and you have weird repu and all kindas things !

100 e h

meet real dumb person 

is it that bad you need a real dumb person ? did you know smart see you and hear you and understand hoiw bad it is for real and then hope you get better and know also like real dumb that you do get better! BUT THEY unconsciously ruine your life cos they get trauma how unwell you are ! real dumb just smile athat yuou are a director and get nothing ! they are the best people ! they understand line hunger for life and are nice ther real dumb ! thta way is a good life if all who have to be more than real dumb get their as amazing life as a real dumb ! they need one to little understand them ! even a dumb understand sometimes totalluy smart but is not them self smart ! that is a heart ability real dumb has ! 

use dumb 

200 e h   

did you know sanity consults are noty real dumb but real smart ! they need respect in freedom because its hard and heavy what other than dumb are ! its serious ! 

karmic traps

does all want yuo to get a job and non allow it in millions of years. in mental disorder we have many many karmic traps. we talk about them and unlock them and make it better to you.

200 e h

sanity and healtjh self defence

are yuo in danger in city or some other environvent ! remeber to defend yuo self !
slefndefence box include spray , knife and a4 how to physically try somehitng .
 take some curse also in the city if yuo have time !

100 e h 

connection phenonenom control

never in million yeras eliminate anybody as useless and get rid of them so that they die, its unnecessary ! yuo might have inner psychosis of connection phenonenom ! so its by outer reality that dont exist i am sure that matters this way ! its fun life in and out play. they exist the outside connections as inner psychosis in your self. control your outer connections normally. we teach you to normally get rid of people and normally get people to your life.

200 e h 

dumb and good do they fool yuo ?

look love in the heart and some pharases and genetical types can become anything here rules by anybody more smart people. societry rules us all goverment rich and the power structures fool and rule us all. so some get sick and rule some people even. we cant avoid this. non goes to dumbs mind ! people become even talented from harm done to some people in inner life so some exist to them even that person who exist to you its away frokm their existance all the time they run out of exiostance cot they exist to you ! ! people even dit to it they exist to wrong people in a wrong way. did you know this is just nice phenonenom if all that need some body gets to exist to some body for real like it suites to them self . you have no idea whats to drown souls and voices non know nothing about this even !

Dont go. To anything mean you eat Meet run yoor own Life and dont Brother others on deeds choice and do a kansalaisvelvollisuus polise psyciatry šanity control your self ! 

100 e h

narsistical object disorder versions between narsistical and object disorders and evil skitso

we judge fairly everybody and yuo to prison if you bother people for free for other people in your deeds and meditations and deeds even yuor meditations to bother others even in your self only as intention to bother these others we sometimes judge you to prison from your self to others as deed such as deed but we dont insult your area we listen to you and promise and for real save yoy also if you confes your self in your insanity. but if oyu know you have mild object narsistical disorder and you think you are just a good person you might ofcourse not be ! but you might ofocurse be ! confes and we judge you to prison or heal your mind if you are a kind person. did you know you misunderstand people are not evil at all selfish they misty be for your self if you dont understand many are too not going together even as adutl and respo care love combpo show up and behave as totally selfish but are totally 100% good persons or belong to prisons ! we heal your fucked up idiot only if you are kind good ok person enough ! all adult are totally good or belong to a prisons ! try to know we cant catch them cos we respect a line. so closed sue them to corts or just die and its wrong. we perfect middle clas are your only hope in evil world where alll have a right to sue but no money if any evil adult what so ever try to know it little object dear darling idiot ! by kind and nice and bety being keep on the good work ! 

- adults are for self selfish not evil to others in deeds and focus but maybe on self know level somehitng that dont matter at all to know for a wisse person the self dont matter only deed choice matter ! dont do them at all. to each a right to free beach and love and happynes happy victory dance to all is reality no problem line to all ! to bother fight put down others belong to a prison people who make money are only honey to have a voice out all else die in deseases if a good adult dotn sacrify to help to mariages people we just die and die and die here all but them you knwo them the and them !

200 e hour 

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