Natural Order Decoration ; Home beauty ( part of ego fix )


            Natural order deco is 


   -   Down to earth but not particular down to earth not down to earth ! Zero hutera tables ! All to a syrong baseful thought !  

Deco that keep some athmosphere in side the rooms ! The roof is normal size and Walls are thick and the colors are in fpundation on natural foundation from earth or rock but to reach in color to the sky ! The rooms are intuitivity golden cut eye basedly desuded ! Golden cut mean a Math that is not far away from what the fuck nature is doing ! Its not artisticality and nice imakination at all ! Feng shui is difftently built but similar method !   

            You van have amaxing colors but all is on foundation on so called feminine like beige Brun purple-gray etc     

Material is also quality from real wool real hemp real wood real stone and real  bomil! 

The rooms are designed for to keep in mind sanoty levels of a Person dont go insane even work indoors !  

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